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                Liquid silicone

                Liquid silicone

                Food grade silica gel is used in pacifiers, milk bottles, water cups, tableware, tooth brushing, spoons, etc. Food grade silica gel products have high-quality product quality, high temperature resistance, easy cleaning, long service life, soft and elastic.

                silicone coating

                silicone coating

                Silicone rubber products are widely used in the medical field. It can be used in brain surgery, otorhinolaryngology, thoracic surgery, abdominal surgery, internal medicine, Urology, orthopedics, plastic surgery and other fields, such as artificial skull, artificial nasal bridge, artificial peritoneum and so on.



                It mainly uses new energy vehicles, aviation, high-speed rail, power electronic products, etc.

                medical care

                medical care

                With high thermal conductivity, low thermal resistance and excellent wettability, it is widely used in mobile communication equipment, network terminal equipment, automotive electronic products and power supply equipment.

                About us

                Complete range

                Widely used

                Professional technical team

                ISO90001-2000 quality certification

                Zhejiang Tiande New Material Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhejiang Tiande) was established in 2014. The company is located in Songgang Industrial Zone, mayor of Dongyang, Zhejiang Province. The factory covers an area of 30000 square meters, with 60 technicians and more than 300 employees.

                Featuring customized services, Zhejiang Tiande specializes in the production of liquid silicone rubber, solid silicone rubber and other silicone products. It is a global silicone material enterprise integrating R & D, production and sales, providing tens of thousands of tons of silicone materials at home and abroad every year. Since its establishment, Zhejiang Tiande has always taken technological innovation as the core, with a research and development center of 3000 square meters, including a synthetic experiment center of 1800 square meters and a detection and analysis center of 1200 square meters. It has built a spectrum room, chromatography room, thermal analysis room, chemical detection room, electrical performance detection room, thixotropic fluid viscosity detection room, material comprehensive performance detection room, etc.

                Excellent R&D team

                The company has established a professional R&D team to continuously overcome technical difficulties

                Technical field

                Silicone materials are widely used in food contact, medical, new energy, electronics, power transmission and distribution, automobile transportation, paint and paint, textile and leather industries.

                Enterprise size

                The R&D center is 3000m2, of which the synthesis experiment center is 1800m2, and the detection and analysis center is 1200m2. It has a spectrum room, a chromatography room, a thermal analysis room, a chemical testing room, and an electrical performance testing room.

                Management philosophy

                "Harmonious nature, sustainable management". Taking social responsibility and employee rights as the corporate mission, customer trust, R&D and innovation as the development concept


                The idea of serving customers first, "taking customers as gods means establishing a consumer-centered concept, thinking about what customers want, worrying about what customers need, and meeting customers' needs.

                Product rich

                The products are abundant, including trademark standard glue, drop plastic anti-skid glue, flame retardant glue, power glue, silicone gel, conventional textile products silicone and other series, and can also be tailored for customers according to different operating processes.



                Tesla,Nio, Ideal ON, Xiaopeng.Japanese Brand; Takki, Okamoto;British Brand: Kirky; Chinese Brand: Ronza, BONAS, MENGNA,SHIROU, QINGYI, NAIER, DANJIYA, COMOTOMO, Goodbaby,LVORY, PIGEON, SUPERMAM, Little Potato,Playtex, Enboy, NUK.                                                                                                                                       
